Rain Catchment

Harvesting water for home and garden use

Rain catchment systems, like rain barrels or cisterns, collect rainwater from your roof and store it for later use. These systems help conserve water, reduce utility costs, and prevent runoff from reaching storm drains. Rainwater is a great resource for irrigating your garden, washing your car, or cleaning outdoor spaces.

How to Set Up a Rain Catchment System:

  • Install a rain barrel – Place a rain barrel at the downspout of your roof to collect rainwater. Be sure the barrel is clean and has a fine mesh to filter debris.
  • Use a diverter – A diverter directs the flow of rainwater into the barrel, so you don’t have to worry about overflows.
  • Use the water wisely – Use the collected rainwater for watering plants, washing your car, or other outdoor chores.
  • Ensure proper maintenance – Clean your rain barrel regularly to keep it free from algae and debris.
  • Consider multiple barrels – If you have a larger garden, connect multiple rain barrels to store more water.

📢 Looking to set up a rain catchment system? 

Check out the resources below or contact your local conservation district for advice on how to install a rain barrel or cistern that’s perfect for your yard and needs.

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Explore Conservation Resources

Pacific Education Institute (PEI)
Pacific Education Institute (PEI)

This organization collaborates with educators to integrate field-based science and real-world projects into curricula, promoting environmental and sustainability education.

Project WET (Water Education Today)
Project WET (Water Education Today)

Dedicated to water education, Project WET provides educators with resources, workshops, and activities designed to teach students about water's critical role in our world.

Water Savings
Washington Department of Ecology

The Washington State Department of Ecology's Water Conservation webpage offers practical tips and resources to help residents use water efficiently and avoid waste. By adopting simple daily habits, individuals can contribute to preserving this finite resource, ensuring adequate water supply for current and future needs.