Resource Library

Meet Conservation Connie, a local superhero of conservation

Our growing library of resources includes information on education, gardening, native pollinators, forestry, and more.

Curated from a broad range of statewide sources, we hope you will find answers to questions and confidence to start conservation projects. Your conservation district also has resources for you! Find your district for local information.

Full Resource List from A-Z

Washington State University

This publication provides an introduction to wild bee biodiversity and offers methods for monitoring these essential pollinators. It encourages citizen scientists to contribute to conservation efforts through simple observation techniques.

Ag in the Classroom

This national initiative aims to enhance agricultural literacy among students by providing educators with resources and lesson plans that integrate agricultural concepts into various subjects.

AgWest Farm Credit

This resource offers a comprehensive Family Business Planning Guide, providing tools and strategies to help families preserve their legacies and plan for the future. It includes planning guides, worksheets, and access to experienced Family Business Advisors to assist in the planning process.

The Burke Museum

The Burke Museum provides an overview of our diverse amphibians and reptiles in Washington state, including 25 species of amphibians and 28 reptile species, such as salamanders, frogs, snakes, and turtles. This resource offers tips for identification, as well as insights into their habits, distribution, and conservation needs.

Beavers: Wetlands & Wildlife

This resource provides information on the ecological importance of beavers and their role in creating and maintaining wetlands. It offers guidance on resolving human-beaver conflicts and promotes understanding of beaver behavior and habitat.

The Xerces Society

Bee City USA is a program that supports communities in creating sustainable habitats for pollinators like bees and butterflies. Through education, certification, and community engagement, it promotes initiatives to conserve pollinator populations and foster environmental stewardship.

Western Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education

This guide lists federal programs that support sustainable agriculture, forestry, conservation, and community development, providing descriptions, application procedures, and examples of funded projects to assist stakeholders in accessing government resources.

The Burke Museum

The Burke Herbarium Image Collection provides an extensive online database of plant, fungi, and lichen specimens, including high-resolution images and detailed records. It supports botanical research, identification, and education, particularly for species in the Pacific Northwest.


Free wood chips and delivery from ChipDrop: ChipDrop matches people who want free wood chip mulch with arborists and tree companies who are trying to get rid of it.

Global Oneness Project

A series of stories, films, and photo essays that explore the human impacts of climate change around the world.

National Center for Science Education

Provides educators with materials to teach about climate change and evolution, emphasizing scientific understanding.

Zinn Education Project

Offers lessons and articles to help educators teach about the intersections of climate change and social justice.

United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service United States Forest Service

This publication provides science-based strategies for land managers to design and implement buffers that enhance ecological functions, improve water quality, protect wildlife, and offer economic benefits. It includes over 80 guidelines synthesized from more than 1,400 research articles, offering practical, easy-to-understand advice for creating buffers in both rural and urban landscapes.

Western Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education

This resource offers comprehensive information on the use of cover crops in sustainable farming, detailing their benefits for soil health, erosion control, and nutrient management. It includes practical guides on selecting appropriate cover crop species and integrating them into various cropping systems.

Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife

This resource provides guidance on creating habitats for songbirds such as finches, sparrows, and nuthatches, emphasizing the use of native plants, proper bird feeder maintenance, and the importance of clean water sources. It also highlights the ecological benefits of attracting songbirds, including pest control, seed dispersal, and pollination.

Kids Gardening

This resource offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to teach high school students about soil science through ten engaging lessons. Each lesson includes activities, follow-up projects, and journal worksheets, all aligned with Next Generation Science Standards, to enhance students' understanding of soil's critical role in our ecosystem.

Project WET

An educational platform by Project WET that explores various aspects of water, including the water cycle, watersheds, and conservation, through interactive modules.

Public Broadcasting Service

An interactive game by PBS Kids that teaches children about engineering and flood prevention through problem-solving challenges.

Environmental Protection Agency

An interactive platform by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that educates children about the importance of water conservation through games, activities, and tips.

American Geosciences Institute

Hosted by the American Geosciences Institute, this site provides educational materials and activities to promote understanding of earth sciences.

Junior Sea Doctors

An educational program designed to teach children about marine ecosystems and the importance of ocean conservation.

USDA Farm Service Agency

USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies. This web site will provide the address of a USDA Service Center and other Agency offices serving your area along with information on how to contact them.

Washington State Conservation Commission

Topics covered in the workbook include developing your vision, evaluating farm resources, understanding farm transfer tools, and preparing to meet with professional advisers. Available in English and Spanish.

Washington Farmland Trust

This resource assists farmers in finding land, building capacity, and accessing resources to thrive as business owners and stewards of the land. It offers personalized support to current and aspiring farmers, farming collectives and cooperatives, farm organizations, and farmland owners in Washington, partnering with service providers to increase access to farmland around the state.

The Xerces Society

This guide provides strategies to protect and enhance native bee habitats on farms, including advice on establishing pollinator habitats and using flowering cover crops. It also offers pesticide risk reduction tips and practical checklists to improve bee habitats, with case studies from farms across the country.

Washington State University

This resource outlines key factors for livestock owners to consider when installing fencing, including types of fencing materials, design recommendations, and maintenance tips to ensure animal safety and effective pasture management.

Horses for Clean Water

It’s easy to think emergencies only happen to other people, but this can lead to tragic consequences. These resources from Horses for Clean Water are designed to help you make an emergency action plan to keep you, your horses, and your property as safe as possible during an emergency.

Firewise USA

The Firewise USA® website provides practical resources and guidance to help landowners reduce wildfire risks around their properties and adapt to living safely with wildfire. It offers step-by-step instructions for creating defensible space, managing vegetation, and working with neighbors to enhance wildfire resilience across the community.

Global Earth Challenge

Global Earth Challenge is a citizen science initiative by Earth Day Network, aiming to empower individuals worldwide to collect data on critical environmental issues such as plastic pollution, air quality, and biodiversity. The platform provides tools, training, and resources for volunteers to contribute to global datasets and foster environmental action.

King County Department of Natural Resources

This guide assists lakeshore property owners on Lakes Washington and Sammamish in implementing environmentally friendly shoreline practices. It offers information on bulkhead alternatives, green dock designs, cost estimates, maintenance tips, and navigating the permitting process to promote healthier lake ecosystems.

Washington State University

WSU’s Hedgerows and Farmscaping program provides guidance on designing and implementing hedgerows to enhance biodiversity, improve soil health, and support pollinators. It offers resources for farmers and land managers to integrate these features into agricultural landscapes for ecological and economic benefits.

Washington State University

This publication provides comprehensive guidance on planning, planting, and maintaining a successful vegetable garden in Washington State, including information on climate considerations, soil preparation, and crop selection.

Horses for Clean Water

This resource provides a collection of educational materials aimed at horse owners, focusing on environmentally friendly horse-keeping practices. It covers topics such as pasture management, mud control, and manure composting to promote clean water and sustainable land use.

Oregon State University Extension

This publication offers guidance on how pesticide use impacts wild and managed bees and provides strategies to minimize harm. It outlines collaborative efforts between beekeepers, growers, and pesticide applicators to prevent bee poisoning

Sound Native Plants

This guide provides detailed instructions for installing live stakes to restore streambanks and riparian areas. It covers species selection, preparation, spacing, and proper planting techniques to ensure success in erosion control and habitat enhancement.

Environmental Protection Agency

How's My Waterway is an EPA tool that provides land managers with detailed information on the health of local waterways, including data on water quality, permitted discharges, and restoration efforts. By entering a specific location, users can access community-level insights to inform land management decisions and support effective water resource planning.

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

This resource is a field guide designed to assist in the identification and use of common riparian woody plants in the Intermountain West and Pacific Northwest regions. It includes descriptions, identification keys, and information on the ecological significance of various species.

Pollinator Partnership & Border Free Bees

Insight Citizen Science is a platform connecting volunteers with projects that use community-driven data to advance scientific research and environmental stewardship. It supports collaborative learning and action by promoting accessible opportunities to contribute to real-world science.

International Stormwater BMP Database

The International Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Database is a comprehensive resource for land managers seeking data on the performance and effectiveness of various stormwater management practices. It offers access to over 700 BMP studies, performance summaries, and monitoring guidance, facilitating informed decision-making for effective stormwater management.

Soil Science Society of America

This resource offers K-12 educators a variety of soil science materials, including lesson plans, activities, and free classroom items like posters and activity booklets. It also provides access to the book "Know Soil, Know Life" for high school and introductory college students, aiming to deepen understanding of soil's role in the environment.

Common Sense Media

Curated by Common Sense Media, this list recommends films that educate children on climate change and environmental stewardship.

Washington State University

This publication discusses best practices for managing livestock to protect water quality, covering topics such as pasture management, stream access, and waste management to prevent water contamination.

Partnering to Conserve Sagebrush Rangelands

This resource introduces low-tech, process-based restoration methods, such as beaver dam analogs to rehabilitate incised streams and meadows. It provides a factsheet detailing these techniques, aiming to help newcomers understand and implement practices that slow runoff, spread water, and enhance ecosystem productivity.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOAA Fisheries' West Coast region focuses on the conservation and management of marine species and their habitats along the Pacific coast, including California, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Key priorities include sustainable fisheries, endangered species recovery, habitat restoration, and community collaboration.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOAA Fisheries’ Outreach and Education initiatives aim to engage communities in marine conservation through resources, programs, and events. They provide tools for educators, students, and the public to learn about protecting marine ecosystems and sustainable practices.

Environmental Protection Agency

The EPA's National Menu of Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Stormwater provides land managers with a comprehensive collection of strategies to effectively manage stormwater runoff. This resource includes detailed fact sheets on various BMPs, offering guidance on implementation, effectiveness, and applicability to assist in developing and enhancing stormwater management programs.

King County

This program encourages residents to plant native species to enhance local ecosystems and support biodiversity. The site offers resources on choosing native plants, designing landscapes, and connecting with local conservation efforts.

The Xerces Society

This fact sheet provides tips on how to create suitable nesting habitats for various native bee species, including solitary bees and bumblebees. It highlights the importance of offering nesting blocks, bare ground, and other natural features to support healthy bee populations.

North American Environmental Education Association (NAAEE)

A comprehensive collection of environmental education resources, including lesson plans, research, and professional development materials for educators.

Our Climate Our Future

An educational platform offering videos and resources to teach young people about climate science and inspire action.

United State Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service

The USDA PLANTS Database (Plant List of Accepted Nomenclature, Taxonomy, and Symbols) is a resource offering detailed information on plant species across the United States, including their taxonomy, distribution, and conservation status. It supports research, education, and land management with tools like plant guides and an extensive image library.

Pacific Education Institute (PEI)

This organization collaborates with educators to integrate field-based science and real-world projects into curricula, promoting environmental and sustainability education.

A Pacific Northwest Extension Publication

This book offers detailed information on pasture and grazing management practices specific to the Northwestern United States, addressing topics like forage selection, grazing systems, and sustainable livestock production.

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

This resource is an online repository of technical publications prepared by the NRCS Plant Materials Program, supporting the selection, establishment, and management of conservation plants for natural resource conservation and restoration activities. Users can search and sort through various documents to find guidance on topics such as soil stabilization, water quality improvement, and habitat enhancement.

Sound Native Plants

This guide explains methods to safeguard young plants from herbivory and environmental stress. It details different types of protectors, their benefits, and installation techniques to ensure plant survival and healthy growth.

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

This resource provides a directory of plant and seed vendors in the Pacific and Inland Northwest, including parts of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. It lists suppliers for various plant materials, aiding in the selection of appropriate sources for conservation and restoration projects.

The National Audubon Society

Audubon’s Plants for Birds program helps individuals select native plants to support bird populations and create healthy habitats. Using an interactive database, users can find region-specific plants that benefit local bird species while promoting biodiversity.

Pollinator Partnership

Pollinator Partnership is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting pollinators essential to ecosystems and agriculture through conservation, education, and research. Its website offers additional resources, publications, and tools like planting guides to support pollinator-friendly practices.

The Xerces Society

This guide outlines strategies to enhance pollinator resilience in the face of climate change, with a focus on habitat management. While specific to California, the recommendations are broadly applicable for creating more resilient ecosystems across various regions.

Project Learning Tree (PLT)

PLT offers a suite of award-winning environmental education materials that use trees and forests as windows to the world, engaging students in learning about the environment and their place within it.

Project WET (Water Education Today)

Dedicated to water education, Project WET provides educators with resources, workshops, and activities designed to teach students about water's critical role in our world.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOAA’s project-based learning resource focuses on educating students about the conservation of endangered southern resident killer whales. Through interactive activities, it highlights threats such as prey availability, pollution, and vessel noise, encouraging critical thinking and actionable solutions.

The Xerces Society

This guide provides practical tips for creating pollinator-friendly habitats in residential areas. It highlights strategies like selecting native plants, avoiding harmful pesticides, and providing nesting sites to support healthy pollinator populations.

Regional Approaches to Climate Change - Pacific Northwest Agriculture

Provides lesson plans and activities focused on agriculture and climate science for elementary students.

Regional Approaches to Climate Change - Pacific Northwest Agriculture

Offers comprehensive units for high school students on topics like climate change, agronomy, and sustainable agriculture.

Rodale Institute

The Rodale Institute advances organic farming through research, education, and farmer support programs. They offer funding opportunities like the BIPOC Farmer Micro-Grants to assist farmers of color in adopting and sustaining organic practices.

Washington State University

Developed by Washington State University, this resource addresses stormwater management challenges in rural areas. It provides guidance on managing water through detention, conveyance, and dispersion methods, along with fact sheets, demonstration projects, and videos to help rural residents mitigate flooding and drainage issues.

The Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) Governor's Salmon Recovery Office

The Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) supports salmon recovery efforts by funding habitat restoration, monitoring salmon populations, and coordinating regional initiatives. Their programs aim to rebuild salmon runs, protect ecosystems, and engage communities in conservation.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOAA’s Salmon Population Viewer is an interactive map showcasing salmon recovery efforts and population trends across the United States. It provides detailed information about salmon species, their habitats, and conservation projects to support informed decision-making and public engagement.

Washington Department of Ecology

This resource from the Washington State Department of Ecology discusses various methods of shoreline stabilization, including the use of hardened structures like revetments, bulkheads, and seawalls to control erosion. It also highlights the importance of soft shoreline stabilization techniques, which employ environmentally friendly methods to protect property while preserving natural shoreline functions.

The Xerces Society

This resource promotes integrated pest management (IPM) to reduce pesticide use and safeguard pollinators in urban areas. It encourages habitat creation and thoughtful pest control, ensuring the protection of pollinators while maintaining public safety and environmental health.

The Xerces Society

The guide offers tips for managing yard pests in a way that protects pollinators. It emphasizes the importance of creating a safe, pesticide-free space for bees and other pollinators by planting flowers, providing nesting sites, and using alternative pest control methods.

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

This resource offers educational materials and tools designed to teach students about soil properties, formation, and conservation, aiming to foster a deeper understanding of soil's role in the environment.

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

This resource provides comprehensive information on the principles of soil health, including the benefits of healthy soil, management practices to enhance soil function, and the role of soil biology in agricultural productivity.

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

This guide offers educators a structured approach to teaching soil health concepts, including lesson plans, activities, and resources to effectively convey the importance of maintaining and improving soil health in various ecosystems.

The Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) Governor's Salmon Recovery Office

The Washington State Governor’s Office of the Southern Resident Killer Whale Recovery (ORCA) coordinates efforts to protect and recover endangered southern resident orcas. Its initiatives focus on improving prey availability, reducing vessel impacts, and restoring habitat critical to their survival.

"National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration The Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) Governor's Salmon Recovery Office U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service"

The State of Salmon in Watersheds report tracks salmon recovery progress across Washington State, highlighting challenges like habitat loss and climate change. It offers data, insights, and strategies to guide restoration efforts and ensure the survival of salmon and their ecosystems.

The Beaver Institute

This resource is dedicated to promoting the coexistence of humans and beavers through education, research, and the implementation of proven conflict resolution strategies. It offers resources on beaver ecology, benefits to ecosystems, and methods for managing beaver-related challenges.

The National Audubon Society

The National Audubon Society is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting birds and their habitats through science, advocacy, education, and on-the-ground conservation efforts. Its programs focus on preserving ecosystems, promoting climate resilience, and inspiring environmental stewardship.

National Wildlife Federation

The Native Plant Finder by the National Wildlife Federation helps users discover regionally appropriate native plants to support local wildlife, especially pollinators like butterflies and bees. It provides tailored recommendations based on zip codes and includes educational resources to promote biodiversity.

Green Seattle Partnership

This Native Pollinator Habitat Restoration Guide offers strategies for enhancing pollinator habitats in urban environments, emphasizing the importance of plant diversity and ecosystem structure. It provides practical advice for restoration practitioners, land managers, and homeowners to create resilient pollinator habitats through habitat restoration and management.

The Pacific Northwest Bumble Bee Atlas

The Pacific Northwest Bumble Bee Atlas is a community science initiative aimed at tracking and conserving bumble bee populations across Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. It provides tools, training, and resources for volunteers to survey habitats and contribute valuable data to help protect these essential pollinators.

"Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture University of Washington Herbarium"

The Pacific Northwest Herbaria Consortium provides an online database for exploring plant specimen data from herbaria across the region, supporting botanical research and conservation. It offers tools for mapping, identifying, and studying native plants and their distributions.

The Xerces Society

The Xerces Society is a nonprofit organization dedicated to conserving invertebrates and their habitats through research, advocacy, and education. Their website offers a publication library, resources for parents and educators, and tools to support pollinator conservation, habitat restoration, and pesticide reduction

Tilth Alliance

Tilth Alliance supports sustainable agriculture through farmer education, community programs, and policy advocacy in Washington State. They also provide funding opportunities like the Washington State Organic & Sustainable Farming Fund to help farmers implement organic and sustainable practices.

Water Use it Wisely

A matching game that educates players on water-saving tips, aiming to promote water conservation awareness.

Whatcom Conservation District

This publication provides land managers in Whatcom County with practical guidance for managing their land and livestock in ways that protect fish, wildlife, soil, water, and shellfish. It offers strategies and ideas for sustainable practices tailored to local conditions.

National Drought Mitigation Center

The U.S. Drought Monitor provides up-to-date maps and data on drought conditions across the United States, categorizing drought severity from "Abnormally Dry" (D0) to "Exceptional Drought" (D4). Updated weekly, it serves as a vital resource for understanding current drought statuses and trends nationwide.

United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service

Land managers seeking funding opportunities and support for conservation projects can contact their local USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) office. These service centers provide valuable resources, technical assistance, and guidance on available grants and programs to help manage and improve natural resources.

Better Ground

This guide explains Washington's Designated Forest Land program, detailing eligibility criteria and the application process for landowners seeking property tax reductions through sustainable forest management.

Washington Association of Conservation Districts

This organization offers a great selection of wholesale bare roots and plugs. Requires a minimum order of $300. Orders can be picked up in Bow, WA or shipped at cost.

Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA)

The Washington State Department of Agriculture’s Infrastructure Grant program helps farmers and food businesses enhance local food systems. It supports infrastructure improvements that improve food processing, distribution, and storage capacity.

Washington State University

The WSU Bee Program focuses on the health and management of bees, providing research, education, and outreach to support pollinator populations and sustainable agriculture. It offers resources on bee biology, conservation, and beekeeping for communities and professionals.

Washington State University

El Programa de Abejas de WSU se centra en la salud y manejo de abejas, ofreciendo investigación, educación y divulgación para apoyar a los polinizadores y la agricultura sostenible. Proporciona recursos sobre biología de abejas, conservación y apicultura para comunidades y profesionales.

English: The WSU Bee Program focuses on the health and management of bees, providing research, education, and outreach to support pollinator populations and sustainable agriculture. It offers resources on bee biology, conservation, and beekeeping for communities and professionals.

Washington Farmland Trust

The Washington Farmland Trust protects and stewards threatened farmland, ensuring its long-term productivity and sustainability for future generations. They also offer limited funding opportunities to support farmers and preserve agricultural landscapes through partnerships and community engagement.

Washington Native Plant Society

The Washington Native Plant Society (WNPS) is dedicated to the appreciation, conservation, and restoration of Washington's native plants and their habitats. Through education, advocacy, and on-the-ground projects, WNPS connects people to native plant resources, events, and conservation efforts.

Washington State Conservation Commission

Washington's 45 conservation districts assist landowners in accessing grants for voluntary stewardship actions. They help identify the most relevant funding options and support grant applications. Learn more about these opportunities through your local conservation district office.

Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA)

The Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) oversees various programs aimed at supporting farmers, ranchers, and food systems in the state. It provides resources for sustainable farming, pest management, food safety, and agricultural development.

Washington State Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network

The Washington State Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network (WAFAC) website supports communities in building resilience to wildfires through collaboration, education, and local solutions. It connects individuals and organizations to share strategies, tools, and resources for adapting to the challenges of living with wildfire in Washington.

Tilth Alliance

The Washington State Organic & Sustainable Farming Fund, managed by Tilth Alliance, provides financial assistance to farmers implementing organic and sustainable practices. The fund supports projects that enhance soil health, improve water quality, and foster biodiversity.