Thriving communities depend on healthy green spaces and smart stormwater management. Parks, trees, and natural landscapes provide shade, improve air quality, filter stormwater, and create habitats for wildlife. Whether in cities, small towns, or rural areas, well-maintained public lands and effective stormwater solutions help communities stay resilient, reduce pollution, and stay connected to nature.
Conservation districts support these efforts by offering technical guidance, planning assistance, and volunteer opportunities to help enhance and restore local green spaces and waterways.
This publication provides science-based strategies for land managers to design and implement buffers that enhance ecological functions, improve water quality, protect wildlife, and offer economic benefits. It includes over 80 guidelines synthesized from more than 1,400 research articles, offering practical, easy-to-understand advice for creating buffers in both rural and urban landscapes.
An educational platform by Project WET that explores various aspects of water, including the water cycle, watersheds, and conservation, through interactive modules.
An educational program designed to teach children about marine ecosystems and the importance of ocean conservation.
How's My Waterway is an EPA tool that provides land managers with detailed information on the health of local waterways, including data on water quality, permitted discharges, and restoration efforts. By entering a specific location, users can access community-level insights to inform land management decisions and support effective water resource planning.
The International Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Database is a comprehensive resource for land managers seeking data on the performance and effectiveness of various stormwater management practices. It offers access to over 700 BMP studies, performance summaries, and monitoring guidance, facilitating informed decision-making for effective stormwater management.
The EPA's National Menu of Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Stormwater provides land managers with a comprehensive collection of strategies to effectively manage stormwater runoff. This resource includes detailed fact sheets on various BMPs, offering guidance on implementation, effectiveness, and applicability to assist in developing and enhancing stormwater management programs.
This organization collaborates with educators to integrate field-based science and real-world projects into curricula, promoting environmental and sustainability education.
Dedicated to water education, Project WET provides educators with resources, workshops, and activities designed to teach students about water's critical role in our world.
This resource promotes integrated pest management (IPM) to reduce pesticide use and safeguard pollinators in urban areas. It encourages habitat creation and thoughtful pest control, ensuring the protection of pollinators while maintaining public safety and environmental health.